References and Suggested Reading 
God's Outrageous Universe
Faith and Science 

Francis S. Collins, The Language of God; A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, (Free Press, 2006) 
Owen Gingerich, God's Universe, (The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006)
I recommend these books for scientists and others who think rigorous scientific knowlege and reasoning precludes belief in the God of the Bible who claims to be the Creator of heaven and earth. (All things)
Joy Hakim, The Story of Science, Aristotle Leads the Way, (Smithsonian Books, 2004)
Joy Hakim, The Story of Science, Einstein Adds a New Dimension, (Smithsonian Books, 2007)
These two books by Joy Hakim were written to be understandable at the middle school level.  As a scientists and educator I found them to be a fun and story like read filled with insights into the people and times.  The science and math is explained and illustrated in an entertaining story line but accurate and instructive.  Readers will have a foundation of scientific knowledge and methods that brought us to the world we live in today. 
George Smoot and Keay Davidson, Wrinkes in Time, (Avon Books, 1993)
This is the story of a 20th century scientific quest and discovery that Stephen Hawking said was "The Scientific Discovery of the Century, If not all time...."  The story is told true to the voice of George Smoot who was awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics along with John Mather for their research into the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.  The results of their work confirmed that the universe had a beginning and laid a foundation for 21st century cosmology as a science of precision and measurement.  Readers will find that Smoot like so many brilliant scientists often dedicate their adult lives to quests that are high risk and high reward.  This is an example of scientific investigators seeking truth using advanced scientific instruments to test hypotheses.  These truths are sought without regard to religious implications.
Robert P. Krishner, The Extravagant Universe; exploding stars, dark energy and the accelerating cosmos, (Princeton University Press, 2002)
This is another example of science seeking the truth based on hypothesis and testing.  Robert Krishner tells the story of the discovery Dark Energy from a personal perspective and the point of view of one of two teams (the other was led by Saul Perlmutter at Berkeley) that were reluctantly driven to the idea the expansion of the universe was increasing (accelerating) and that what Einstein thought was his greatest blunder - the cosmological constant - was indeed real.  As Christian we are once again humbled by God's Outrageous Universe.  It is our tendancy to try to box God into what we understand about His creation.  Dark Energy is our Copernican revolution.

John Polkinghorne, The Faith Of A Physicist,  Refections of a Bottom-Up Thinker, (Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1996)
This has been one of the most important books on faith and science that I have read.  Polkinghorn, a physicist and priest in the Church of England is referenced in so many theological considerations of faith and science that I he read.   Now I know why.  His careful attention to the evidence and interpretation of key doctrines of Christianity though history has provided the intellectual clarity for sorting out alternatives and errors of beliefs in the intersection of Faith and Science.  Science is touched on lightly but theology is deeply investigated.
Henry F Schaefer, Science and Chritianity: Conflict or Coherence, (University of Georgia Printing Department, Athen, Georgia, 2010)

This book is based on a series of over 300 lectures given by Professor Henry F. Schaefer between 1984 and 2010.  Henry Schaefer is both a Christian and an eminent scientist.  it was by chance and a little desperation that during his first lecture in 1984 to 680 freshman chemistry students he mentioned that he was in Church on Sunday which surprised some of his students so much that he was asked to give a public lecture on how he could be both a chemist and a Christian.  That was the beginning of lectures and talks in which he illuminates the religious beliefs of many of the great scientists and covers topics including cosmology, evolution, quantum mechanics and C.S Lewis' views of science and scientism.  His carefully chosen and researched accounts and anecdotes of the views of many Christian scientists as well those who were and are declared atheists provides a front row seat to the ongoing dance between science and Christianity, especially through the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.  Through is personal knowledge of some of the leading scientists of the 20th and 21st century he is able to provide unique insights into the interaction of faith and science in the world of the top echelon of the scientific community.  A theme throughout the book is that Christianity not only supports good science it engenders scientific investigation of the natural world.
Web Sites
This site is an excellent faith and science resource providing up-to-date information on scientific advances and careful analysis of the Bible with "confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature."
John H. Walton, The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate (Intervarsity Press, 2009)
John Walton, in the Lost World of Genesis added a new pillar of foundation for my faith and science sensibilities with respect to the debates in and around origins.  Both my faith in the inerrent Word of God, as given to us in the Bible, and my comfort with the scientific evidence for deep time and the evolution of the material universe and the evolution of life have been reinforced through reading this book.
David Berlinski, The Devils Delusion:  Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions: Basic Books, a Member of the Peeeeerseu books Group, 2009
The Author has  a vey entertaining style.  The title of the book is the best descriptive of the contents.  I chose this book because I have come to believe that the use of science to deny the truth of the Judeo Christian Bible is part of a demonic deception.  The cultural acceptance of biological evolution is also part of the deception.  David Berlinski exposes the deception and how Atheism uses science to suppress the truth